All Categories > Tracking Time and Absences > How can I see my tracked time?

How can I see my tracked time?

You want to see your tracked time for a day in detail or several timestamps listed?

This article shows you how you get to this information:

Your tracked time in list form

To view the tracked time in detail, please go to the Timesheet Report menu.

The various timestamps for a day are displayed here. Any missing timestamps or incorrect ones can also be corrected manually.

Find out the names of the columns:

NWH (normal working hours) lists the working hours that must be completed according to the working time model.

TWH (target working hours) lists the actual hours to be worked on this day.

Under In and Out you will find the first and last timestamp of the day.

The Break column shows the time tracked for the Break task.

In the Working hours column, you will find the hours tracked for working time. 

PA (paid absence) shows the hours credited for paid absence time.

DB (daily balance of hours) The daily balance of hours indicates how much more or less time you have tracked on a day than the target working time entered.

Balance shows the total working balance corresponds to the working time balance / flextime account of your total hours.

Your tracked time per day in detail

To view your tracked time per day in detail, please go to the Timer menu. Here you can also correct your timestamps manually if necessary.

Now you have an overview of your tracked working time!

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