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How do I import user data from Excel using the TimeTac user import?
How do I import user data from Excel using the TimeTac user import?
In this article, we will show you how you can easily import user data using TimeTac's file-based user import. To do this, simply fill in the Excel template provided by TimeTac.
1Download the Excel template (see link above).
2Insert your data. You can fill in the following fields in the file:
- Last Name, First Name (mandatory fields)
- E-Mail: If no email address is available, a user name can be entered as an alternative (mandatory field)
- Language: Please select the language from the drop-down list, as it must exactly match the wording in the list (mandatory field)
- Username: Only required if no email address is provided. If an email address is entered, this value will be ignored.
- Personnel number
- Password: If set, at least 8 characters including one capital letter and one special character are required
- Department: Must already exist in TimeTac. Use the exact spelling when importing
- Telephone
3Upload the completed file. To do this, go to your account in the Integration Centre settings. Under the user management interfaces, you will find the TimeTac user import from Excel, where you can upload the file.
4New users are created if they do not yet exist - existing users are not updated! Following the file upload, the person who carried out the import will receive an e-mail with information about how many users have been created and whether any problems have occurred (e.g. if a user name already exists).
And your user data is already created.
What Can You Do If the Import Was Unsuccessful?
After each user import, you will receive an email informing you about the status of the import.
1Department Not Found
Check the department assignments. If you have assigned a department to a user that does not yet exist in TimeTac, the import cannot be completed. In this case, you will be prompted to select a department that already exists in TimeTac.
Tip: Create your department structure in TimeTac before importing your employees as users. This will help you avoid possible import issues.
Check the department assignments. If you have assigned a department to a user that does not yet exist in TimeTac, the import cannot be completed. In this case, you will be prompted to select a department that already exists in TimeTac.
Tip: Create your department structure in TimeTac before importing your employees as users. This will help you avoid possible import issues.
2Missing User Data
Ensure that all required user data is present. If any of the following information is missing for a user – such as department, language, or password (if no email address is provided) – those users will not be imported.
You will be informed about which data is missing in the uploaded file. Please correct the missing data in this file and upload it again.
Ensure that all required user data is present. If any of the following information is missing for a user – such as department, language, or password (if no email address is provided) – those users will not be imported.
You will be informed about which data is missing in the uploaded file. Please correct the missing data in this file and upload it again.
If the import continues to be unsuccessful, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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