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How do I import user data using DATEV DALY user import?

How do I import user data using DATEV DALY user import?

In this article, you will learn how to easily import user data from your DATEV Lohn & Gehalt or DATEV Lodas system into TimeTac using the DATEV DALY user import.

1Download the DALY .txt file in DATEV as follows.

Select the "Master Data Export" evaluation in the respective program:

For LODAS: Personnel Management | RZ-Payroll | General
For Lohn and Gehalt: Personnel Management | Payroll | General

Click on the "Master Data Export" evaluation.

Click the "New Data Analysis" button.

Select the client to export from the "Client" list.

Check the box for the payroll month.

Select the current entry from the "Month" and "To Month" lists.

Select the current entry from the "Year" and "To Year" lists.

Click "Execute."

Wait until the data is displayed in the data view.

In the Export area, click the link to export to the spreadsheet.

In the window for exporting to the spreadsheet, provide the details for saving the file (e.g., location, filename).

Click "OK." The file will be saved locally.
2Log in to TimeTac and open the DATEV DALY integration in the Integration Center.
3Upload the DALY .txt file
4New users are created only if they do not already exist – existing accounts are not updated. After the file upload, the person who performed the user import will receive an email with information about the number of users created and any potential issues, such as if a username already exists.

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